Julie Cannon (Royal Brompton Hospital London)

Julie is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.

Abstract Available for Assessment and outcomes of firefighter applicants with possible asthma Kabir T, Schofield S, Fitzgerald B, Cannon J, Szram J, Feary J, Assessment and outcomes of firefighter applicants with possible asthma, Occup Med, 2022;72:118-124,doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqab162
Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Assessment and outcomes of firefighter applicants with possible asthma' Joanna Szram, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Assessment and outcomes of firefighter applicants with possible asthma' Jo Feary, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Assessment and outcomes of firefighter applicants with possible asthma'

Full Text Available for Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma Feary J, Cannon J, Fitzgerald B, Szram J, Scofield S, Cullinan P, Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma , Occup Med, 2020;70:231-234,doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqaa049
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma' Joanna Szram, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma' Jo Feary, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma'

Abstract Available for Breathing pattern disorder masquerading as occupational asthma Feary J, Cannon J, Cullinan P, Breathing pattern disorder masquerading as occupational asthma, Eur Respir J, 2020;56 Suppl 6:652,10.1183/13993003.congress-2020.652
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Breathing pattern disorder masquerading as occupational asthma' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Breathing pattern disorder masquerading as occupational asthma' Jo Feary, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Breathing pattern disorder masquerading as occupational asthma'

Abstract Available for Metal worker’s lung: spatial association with Mycobacterium avium James PL, Cannon J, Barber CM, Crawford L, Hughes H, Jones M, Szram J, Cowman S, Cookson WOC, Moffatt MF, Cullinan P, Metal worker’s lung: spatial association with Mycobacterium avium , Thorax, 2018;73:151-156,http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/thoraxjnl-2017-210226
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Metal worker’s lung: spatial association with Mycobacterium avium' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'Metal worker’s lung: spatial association with Mycobacterium avium' Meinir Jones, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, an author of 'Metal worker’s lung: spatial association with Mycobacterium avium' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Metal worker’s lung: spatial association with Mycobacterium avium' Joanna Szram, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Metal worker’s lung: spatial association with Mycobacterium avium'

Abstract Available for Prevalence of sensitization to ‘improver’ enzymes in UK supermarket bakers Jones M, Welch J, Turvey J, Cannon J, Clark P, Szram J, Cullinan P, Prevalence of sensitization to ‘improver’ enzymes in UK supermarket bakers, Allergy, 2016;71:997-1000,10.1111/all.12854
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Prevalence of sensitization to ‘improver’ enzymes in UK supermarket bakers' Meinir Jones, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, an author of 'Prevalence of sensitization to ‘improver’ enzymes in UK supermarket bakers' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Prevalence of sensitization to ‘improver’ enzymes in UK supermarket bakers' Joanna Szram, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Prevalence of sensitization to ‘improver’ enzymes in UK supermarket bakers'

Abstract Available for Prevalence of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants in UK bakers H. Howarth, S. Schofield, J. Cannon, M. Jones, Prevalence of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants in UK bakers, Clin Exp Allergy, 2015;45:1613-1615,
Meinir Jones, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, an author of 'Prevalence of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants in UK bakers' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Prevalence of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants in UK bakers'

Abstract Available for Molecular Detection of Mycobacterium Avium in Aerosolised Metal Working Fluid is Linked to a Localised Outbreak of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis in Factory Workers James PL, Cannon J, Crawford L, DSouza E, Barber C, Cowman S, Cookson WO, Moffatt MF, Cullinan P, Molecular Detection of Mycobacterium Avium in Aerosolised Metal Working Fluid is Linked to a Localised Outbreak of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis in Factory Workers, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2015;191:A2578,
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Molecular Detection of Mycobacterium Avium in Aerosolised Metal Working Fluid is Linked to a Localised Outbreak of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis in Factory Workers' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'Molecular Detection of Mycobacterium Avium in Aerosolised Metal Working Fluid is Linked to a Localised Outbreak of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis in Factory Workers' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Molecular Detection of Mycobacterium Avium in Aerosolised Metal Working Fluid is Linked to a Localised Outbreak of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis in Factory Workers'

Full Text Available for Occupational asthma from tafenoquine in the pharmaceutical industry: implications for QSAR Cannon J, Fitzgerald B, Seed M, Agius R, Jiwany A, Cullinan P, Occupational asthma from tafenoquine in the pharmaceutical industry: implications for QSAR , Occup Med, 2015;65:256-258,https://doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqu193
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Occupational asthma from tafenoquine in the pharmaceutical industry: implications for QSAR' Raymond Agius, Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health, Manchester University, an author of 'Occupational asthma from tafenoquine in the pharmaceutical industry: implications for QSAR' Martin Seed, Manchester University, an author of 'Occupational asthma from tafenoquine in the pharmaceutical industry: implications for QSAR' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Occupational asthma from tafenoquine in the pharmaceutical industry: implications for QSAR'

Full Text Available for Occupational Asthma in Antibiotic Manufacturing Workers: Case Reports and Systematic Review Angulo SD, Szram J, Welch J, Cannon J, and Cullinan P, Occupational Asthma in Antibiotic Manufacturing Workers: Case Reports and Systematic Review, J Allergy, 2011;ID 365683:9 pages,
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Occupational Asthma in Antibiotic Manufacturing Workers: Case Reports and Systematic Review' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Occupational Asthma in Antibiotic Manufacturing Workers: Case Reports and Systematic Review' Joanna Szram, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Occupational Asthma in Antibiotic Manufacturing Workers: Case Reports and Systematic Review'

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma caused by cellulase and lipase in the detergent industry Brant A, Hole A, Cannon J, Helm J, Swales C, Welch J, Newman Taylor A, Cullinan P, Occupational asthma caused by cellulase and lipase in the detergent industry, Occup Environ Med, 2004;61:793-795,
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Occupational asthma caused by cellulase and lipase in the detergent industry' Tony Newman Taylor, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, an author of 'Occupational asthma caused by cellulase and lipase in the detergent industry' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Occupational asthma caused by cellulase and lipase in the detergent industry'

Full Text Available for Consequences of occupational asthma Cannon J, Cullinan P, NewmanTaylor AJ, Consequences of occupational asthma, Br Med J, 1995;311:602-603,
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Consequences of occupational asthma' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Consequences of occupational asthma'

Abstract Available for Asthma following occupational exposure to Lycopodium clavatum in condom manufacturers Cullinan P, Cannon J, Sheril D, Newman Taylor AJ, Asthma following occupational exposure to Lycopodium clavatum in condom manufacturers, Thorax, 1993;48:774-775,
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Asthma following occupational exposure to Lycopodium clavatum in condom manufacturers' Tony Newman Taylor, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, an author of 'Asthma following occupational exposure to Lycopodium clavatum in condom manufacturers' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Asthma following occupational exposure to Lycopodium clavatum in condom manufacturers'

No Abstract Available for Occupational asthma in radiographers Cullinan P, Hayes J, Cannon J, Madan I, Heap D, Newman Taylor AJ, Occupational asthma in radiographers, Lancet, 1992;340:1477-1477,
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Occupational asthma in radiographers' Tony Newman Taylor, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, an author of 'Occupational asthma in radiographers' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Occupational asthma in radiographers'

Julie Cannon (2012)

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