Xavier is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Romero-Mesones C, Ojanguren I, Espejo D, Granados G, González-Barcala F, Cruz M, Muñoz X,
Influence of the environment on the characteristics of asthma,
Sci Rep,
Migueres N, Debaille C, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Lipinska-Ojrzanowska A, Munoz X, van Kampen V, Suojalehto H, Suuronen K, Seed M, Lee S, Rifflart C, Godet J, de Blay F, Vandenplas O ,
Occupational asthma caused by quaternary ammonium compounds: A multicenter cohort study.,
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract.,
Suarthana E, Taghiakbari M, Saha-Chaudhuri P, Rifflart C, Suojalehto H, Hölttä P, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Wiszniewska M, Muñoz X, Romero-Mesones C, Sastre J, Rial MJ, Henneberger PK, Vandenplas O,
The validity of the Canadian clinical scores for occupational asthma in European populations,
Baur X, Akdis CA, Budnik LT, Cruz MJ, Fischer A, Förster-Ruhrmann U, Göen T, Goksel O, Heutelbeck AR, Jones M, Lux H, Maestrelli P, Munoz X, Nemery B, Schlünssen V, Sigsgaard T, Traidl-Hoffmann C, Siegel P.,
Immunological methods for diagnosis and monitoring of IgE-mediated allergy caused by industrial sensitizing agents,
2019;:,DOI: 10.1111/all.13809
Ojanguren I, Morell F, Ramón M, Villar A, Romero C, Cruz MJ, Muñoz X,
Long-term outcomes in chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis,
Suojalehto H, Suuronen K, Cullinan P, Lindström I, Sastre J, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Munoz X, Talini D, Klusackova P, Moore V, Merget R, Svanes C, Mason P, dell'Omo M, Moscato G, Quirce S, Hoyle J, Sherson D, Preisser A, Seed M, Rifflart C, Godet J, de Blay F, Vandenplas O, European network for the Phenotyping of Occupational Asthma (E-PHOCAS) investigators.,
Phenotyping occupational asthma caused by acrylates in a multicentre cohort study.,
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract,
Vandenplas O, Godet J, Hurdubaea L, Rifflart C, Suojalehto H, Wiszniewska M, Munoz X, Sastre J, Klusackova P, Moore V, Merget R, Talini D, Svanes C, Mason P, dell'Omo M, Cullinan P, Moscato G, Quirce S, Hoyle J, Sherson D, Kauppi P, Preisser A, Meyer N, de Blay F, European network for the PHenotyping of OCcupational ASthma (E-PHOCAS) investigators.,
Are high- and low-molecular-weight sensitizing agents associated with different clinical phenotypes of occupational asthma?,
Bernstein DI, Lummus ZL, Kesavalu B, Yao J, Kottyan L, Miller D, Cartier A, Cruz MJ, Lemiere C, Muñoz X, Quirce S, Tarlo S, Sastre J, Boulet LP, Weirauch MT, Kaufman K,
Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
2018;:,DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.06.022
Hu C, Cruz M, Ojanguren I, de Homdedeu M, Gonzalez-Barcala F, Munoz X,
Specific inhalation challenge: the relationship between response, clinical variables and lung function ,
Occup Environ Med,
Vandenplas O, Suojalehto H, Aasen T, Baur X, Burge PS, de Blay F, Fishwick D, Hoyle J, Maestrelli P, Muñoz X, Moscato G, Sastre J, Sigsgaard T, Suuronen K, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Cullinan P, the ERS Task Force on Specific Inhalation Challenges with Occupational Agents,
Specific inhalation challenge in the diagnosis of occupational asthma: consensus statement,
Eur Respir J,
Yucesoy B, Johnson VJ, Lummus ZL, Kissling GE, Fluharty K, Gautrin D, Malo J, Cartier A, Boulet L, Sastre J, Quirce S, Germolec DR, Tarlo SM, Cruz M, Munoz X, Luster MI, Bernstein DI,
Genetic Variants in Antioxidant Genes Are Associated With Diisocyanate-Induced Asthma,
Toxicology Science,
Vandenplas O, Ghezzo H, Munoz X, Moscato G, Perfetti L, Lemiere C, Labrecque M, L'Archeveque J, Malo JL,
What are the questionnaire items most useful in identifying subjects with occupational asthma?,
Eur Respir J,