Martin is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Seed MJ, Fowler K, Byrne L, Carder M, Daniels S, Iskandar IYK, Feary J, Gawkrodger DJ, van Tongeren M,
Skin and respiratory ill-health attributed to occupational face mask use,
Occup Med,
Migueres N, Debaille C, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Lipinska-Ojrzanowska A, Munoz X, van Kampen V, Suojalehto H, Suuronen K, Seed M, Lee S, Rifflart C, Godet J, de Blay F, Vandenplas O ,
Occupational asthma caused by quaternary ammonium compounds: A multicenter cohort study.,
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract.,
Seed MJ, Carder M, Gittins M, Sen D, Money A, Fishwick D, Barber CM, van Tongeren M.,
Emerging trends in the UK incidence of occupational asthma: should we be worried?,
Occup Environ Med,
Suojalehto H, Suuronen K, Cullinan P, Lindström I, Sastre J, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Munoz X, Talini D, Klusackova P, Moore V, Merget R, Svanes C, Mason P, dell'Omo M, Moscato G, Quirce S, Hoyle J, Sherson D, Preisser A, Seed M, Rifflart C, Godet J, de Blay F, Vandenplas O, European network for the Phenotyping of Occupational Asthma (E-PHOCAS) investigators.,
Phenotyping occupational asthma caused by acrylates in a multicentre cohort study.,
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract,
Vandenplas O, Rifflart C, Evrard G, Thimpont J, Seed M, Agius R,
Occupational asthma caused by an epoxy amine hardener, isophorone diamine (IPDA),
Occup Med,