Roger Altounyan (Fisons Pharmacuticals)

Developed Intal and the process of drug testing on specific bronchial challenges (mostly on himself)

Roger is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.

Abstract Available for Bronchial hyperreactivity in response to inhalation of ultrasonically nebulised solutions of distilled water and saline Schoeffel RE, Anderson SD, Altounyan RE, Bronchial hyperreactivity in response to inhalation of ultrasonically nebulised solutions of distilled water and saline, Br Med J, 1981;ii:1285-128*,
Roger Altounyan, Fisons Pharmacuticals, an author of 'Bronchial hyperreactivity in response to inhalation of ultrasonically nebulised solutions of distilled water and saline'

Roger Altounyan (1982)

Oasys and occupational asthma smoke logo