Adding / Editing Agents

Adding / Editing Agents
We encourage the entry of the likely causative agents present in the workplace on all records. This does not have to a definitive list but more of a "best guess". For example an office worker will probably be exposed to "cleaning fluids". A paint sprayer will probably be exposed to isocyanates. A solderer will probably be exposed to rosin etc.

Agents are added and edited from the patient demographics, which will open up a new window for the agent details (example below).

If you have confirmed an agent as the cause of occupational asthma please indicate this by ticking the box. You can edit existing agents to do this if necessary. There are 2 ways of confirming an agent as the cause of occupational asthma.
  1. Specific Inhalation Challenge / Specific Bronchial Challenge. These are just two names for the same thing. The patient is subjected to a controlled exposure to the agent and a 15% drop in FEV1 indicates a positive result. The more complicated but probably better stenton method can also be used to analyse the results.
  2. Specific IgE to the causative agent plus a clear history of asthmatic symptoms related to work exposure which improved away from work.

If you have done a Specific IgE test or Specific Inhalation challenge to the agent please record the result here.

Example Screenshot


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