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Sawing chengal wood causes occupational asthma in a Carpenter in Singapore (new cause)

Sawing chengal wood causes occupational asthma in a Carpenter in Singapore (new cause)


Chengal wood

Job Carpenter
Specific IgE not done 
Skin prick test not done
Non-specific reactivity not done
Serial Peak Flow single records of detioration on exposed days
 Induced sputum not done
 FENO not done
Specific Challenge 

Specific bronchial challenge showing immediate reaction to sawn chengal with no reaction to sawn willow.


improved on removal of chengal at work


Abstract Available for Occupational asthma due to exposure to chengal wood dust Lee LT, Tan KL, Occupational asthma due to exposure to chengal wood dust, Occup Med, 2009;59:357-359,


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