Occupational Asthma Reference

Lee LT, Tan KL, Occupational asthma due to exposure to chengal wood dust, Occup Med, 2009;59:357-359,

Keywords: new cause,occupational asthma,rhinitis,carpenter,wood,challenge,peak flow,case report,neobalanocarpus hemeii,dipterocarpoideae,chengal, Singapore

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Background Chengal is a resistant rainforest hardwood that is commonly used in South-East Asia for the construction of boats, bridges, house structures and furniture. It contains oligostilbenoids, phenolics, quinones and resins.

Aims To describe a case of occupational asthma (OA) related to chengal wood dust.

Methods The patient was evaluated clinically for asthma in relation to occupational history, serial peak flow monitoring and specific inhalation challenge (SIC) test.

Results Peak flow monitoring showed significant deterioration during exposure to chengal wood dust at work. SIC test resulted in an isolated immediate asthmatic reaction.

Conclusions Exposure to chengal wood dust can lead to OA and possibly rhinitis. The underlying mechanism should be investigated.

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