Occupational Asthma Reference

Lynch RM, Modeling of exposure to carpet-cleaning chemicals preceding irritant-induced asthma in one patient., Environ Health Perspect, 2000;108:911-3,sc271_5_1835 [pii]


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42-year-old woman experienced an acute asthma attack, seizures, and unconsciousness immediately after a carpet-cleaning and deodorizing job was conducted in her home. Exposure modeling estimates that she was exposed to approximately 3.4-17 mg/m(3) of sodium tripolyphosphate and more than 14 mg/m(3) volatile organic compounds immediately after the cleaning. I derived two separate exposure models for these estimates that evidenced good consistency of exposure estimates. Asthmatics and carpet-cleaning companies should be advised about safety during carpet-cleaning operations, including adequate warnings about excess risk for asthmatics, temporary removal from the home, reduced detergent levels within cleaners, and reduced overall levels of cleaning solutions used within the home. Further studies of carpet-cleaning exposures are indicated.

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