Occupational Asthma Reference

Maniu C-M, Faupel U, Siebenhaar G, Hunzelmann N, Maize starch should be considered as a potential occupational allergen in tablet manufacturing., Allergy, 2010;65:630-631,

Keywords: Germany, Maize starch, case report, pharmaceutical,drug manufacture, occupational asthma, urticaria, rhinitis, Maize endosperm 50kDa antigen, Western plot, IgE,nasal challenge

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Case report of 19 year old pharmaceutical apprentice making asprin, nifedipine, ciprofloxacin and moxifloxicin using maize starch as binder. Negative prick test to standard maize antigens, positive to asprin tablet mixture but negative to ASA and positive to maize bran extract. methacholine 4mg/ml. Nasal provocation with maize bran (method unspecified), gave immediate reaction. Western blot with maize flour showed 50 kda band, possibly matching maize endosperm

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