Occupational Asthma Reference

Wallace GMF, Brown PH, Horse rug lung: toxic pneumonitis due to fluorocarbon inhalation, Occup Environ Med, 2005;62:414-416,

Keywords: Rucoguard epf 1619, waterproof, fluorocarbon, alveolitis, toxic pneumonitis,ct, ground glass, tbb, no cracles

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Fluorocarbons are widely used in industry, and manifestations of inhalation toxicity include polymer fume fever, reactive airways dysfunction, and bronchospasm. Only seven cases of alveolitis occurring acutely after inhalation have been reported. This paper presents four cases of toxic pneumonitis due to direct inhalation of industrial fluorocarbon used as a waterproofing spray for horse rugs. These cases differ from previous reports and show that chronic as well as acute alveolitis can result from fluorocarbon inhalation. Corticosteroid treatment may be beneficial. The need for stricter control in the workplace is emphasised.

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no crackles, first case with single exposure

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