Occupational Asthma Reference

Herbert A. Sterling G. Abraham J. Corrin B., Desquamative interstitial pneumonia in an aluminum welder, Human Pathology, 1982;13:694-699,

Keywords: Aluminum, DIP, pneumoconiosis

Known Authors

Bryan Corrin, Royal Brompton Hospital Bryan Corrin

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Case report o a 35 year old electric arc welder for 16 years. 20 year ex-smoker. Crackles but not clubbed.. FEV1/FVC 1.84/2.7 (predicted 3.86/4.79). DLCO 13.4 (32.8)
Surgical lung biopsy DIP with refractile non-birefringent dust peribonchial containing large amounts of aluminium
Stormy post-operative course, long term outcome not stated

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