Occupational Asthma Reference

Piirila P, Kanerva L, Alanko K, Estlander T, Keskinen H, PajariBackas, M, Tuppurainen M, Occupational IgE-mediated asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and contact urticaria caused by Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum) and tulip, Allergy, 1999;54:273-277,

Keywords: oa, urticaria, tulip, plant, easter lily, lily, Lilium longiflorum, PEF, IgE, RAST inhibition, peak flow, challenge, conjunctivitis, prick test, Finland

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BACKGROUND: We report on IgE-mediated asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and contact urticaria to two Liliaceae plants, tulip and Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum), diagnosed in a floral shop worker.

METHODS: Occupational asthma was diagnosed according to patient history, PEF monitoring, and a work-simulating provocation test. Flower-specific IgE was studied, and RAST inhibition tests were performed.

RESULTS: Skin prick testing showed positive reactions to tulip, Easter lily, and chrysanthemum. Total IgE was 180 kU/I, and specific IgE to tulip was 2.6 and to Easter lily 6.5 kU/I. In the RAST-inhibition test, no cross-reactivity was found. Occupational asthma was diagnosed by peak flow monitoring at work and at home, as well as specific inhalation challenge with Easter lily, with an immediate 18% reduction in PEF. In addition, contact urticaria and conjunctivitis were diagnosed. After a 9-year follow-up without exposure to lilies, the skin prick tests to L. longiflorum and tulip were still positive, but the specific IgE had disappeared.

CONCLUSIONS: A case of IgE-mediated occupational asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and contact urticaria caused by L. longiflorum and tulip is presented. RAST inhibition tests indicated concomitant sensitization to the two Liliaceae plants

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