Occupational Asthma Reference

Ahman M, van HageHamsten M, Johansson SG, IgE-mediated allergy to wood dusts probably does not explain the high prevalence of respiratory symptoms among Swedish woodwork teachers, Allergy, 1995;50:559-562,

Keywords: Sweden, wood, woodwork, teacher, birch, IgE, sawdust, pine, juniper, alder, linden

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A previous study revealed an increased occurrence of work-related respiratory complaints among Swedish woodwork teachers. For determination of whether an IgE-mediated mechanism was the cause of the symptoms, 127 woodwork teachers and 111 reference subjects (other school personnel) in Stockholm gave serum for analysis of total IgE, Phadiatop, and RAST to extract of sawdust from five commonly used Scandinavian woods (pine, birch, juniper, alder, and linden). The total serum-IgE level was similar in the woodwork teachers (geometric mean 35, range < 2-1700 kU/l) and the reference group (34, < 2-860 kU/l), and the frequency of positive Phadiatop was equal (29.9% and 31.5%, respectively). RAST was positive only in three cases, two reference subjects (birch and pine) and one woodwork teacher (alder). Hence, no correlation between exposure and sensitization to wood dust was found, and the results do not support the assumption that the complaints related to exposure to dusts from the examined Scandinavian woods are IgE mediated

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