Occupational Asthma Reference

Cassina G, Valsecchi R, Leghissa P, Ferrari MT, Piazzolla S, Allergic contact dermatitis and oculorhinitis due to tulips. [Italian], G Ital Med Lav, 1989;11:241-242,

Keywords: rh, florist, tulip, dermatitis, pat

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A case of occupational allergic contact dermatitis with conjunctivitis and rhinitis due to tulips bulbs is described. The patient, aged 23, was employed in a florist storehouse. The dermatitis, affecting his hands, face, armpits, knees, elbows and ears, was accompanied by a rhinoconjunctivitis. Patch tests made with a tulip thin slice outcome positive results. The appearance, the way of arising and the results of the patch tests suggest the existence of an immediate type immunologic reaction (type I or IgE-dependent hypersensibility)

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