Occupational Asthma Reference

Popovic V, Arandelovic M, Jovanovic J, Momcilovic O, Veselic E, Dordevic D, Popovic A, Todorovska D, The effect of occupational noxae in the tobacco industry on pulmonary function in exposed workers. [SerboCroation (Roman)], Arh Hig Rada Toksikol, 1992;43:37-45,

Keywords: tobacco, pft, manufacture, am

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A study was carried out to determine respiratory hazards to workers in tobacco manufacture. The investigations at the workplace included analysis of the work technology and measurements of chemical pollutants and dust concentrations in the work rooms. Ventilatory lung function tests were performed in 95 workers exposed to tobacco dust and in 129 control workers. Results of workplace analysis showed the presence of tobacco dust levels exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations. The values of some lung function tests for exposed workers non-smokers were significantly lower than for control workers non-smokers. They could be attributed to the effect of occupational noxae on the respiratory system

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