Occupational Asthma Reference

BolmAudorff U, Bienfait HG, Burkhard J, Bury AH, Merget R, Pressel G, SchultzeWerninghaus G, Prevalence of respiratory allergy in a platinum refinery, Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 1992;64:257-260,

Keywords: oa, ep, platinum, cross sectional, IgE, ps, pft, pt

Known Authors

Rolf Merget, Bochum Rolf Merget

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In a cross-sectional study, 65 workers in the chemical industry with exposure to platinum salts were investigated with regard to the prevalence to allergic respiratory tract diseases. A respiratory questionnaire, a skin-prick test with K2PtCl6 and environmental allergens, determination of total IgE, platinum-specific IgE and histamine release in basophilic granulocytes and lung function tests were applied before and after a Monday shift and after a Friday shift. Work-related symptoms of respiratory allergy were present in 23% of all workers, but were significantly more frequent in the most exposed group in the platinum refinery (52.4%). Of all workers, 18.7% had a positive skin-prick test with platinum salt. As compared to the other workers, the workers with work-related symptoms of respiratory allergy had significantly more positive skin-prick tests (64.3%) and a higher total IgE and platinum-specific IgE; they did not, however, show higher histamine release. In the course of the week, a significant fall in lung function, namely in FEV1 and FEF25, was recorded in the group of workers with work-related symptoms

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