New allergen from fresh water shrimps

New allergen from fresh water shrimps
Crustacean handling for food and animal feed is a significant cause of occupational asthma. This paper reports the identification of a specific sarcoplasmic binding protein as the cause of occupational asthma in a worker packing dried shrimp powder for fish and turtle feed.


Abstract Available for Identification of Pen m 4 as a potential cause of occupational asthma to Gammarus shrimp Sogo A, Cruz MJ, Amengual MJ, Muñoz X, Identification of Pen m 4 as a potential cause of occupational asthma to Gammarus shrimp, Clinical and Translational Allergy, 2018;8:46,
Maria Jesus Cruz, Barcelona, an author of 'Identification of Pen m 4 as a potential cause of occupational asthma to Gammarus shrimp' Xavier Munoz, Barcelona, an author of 'Identification of Pen m 4 as a potential cause of occupational asthma to Gammarus shrimp'


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