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Genetically modified allergens cause IgE-related sensitisation not identified by tests for unmodified enzymes

Genetically modified allergens cause IgE-related sensitisation not identified by tests for unmodified enzymes
This study shows that genetically modified enzymes in widespread use cause IgE-related sensitisation in exposed workers, and that there may be little cross-reaction with the naturally occuring unmodified enzymes


Full Text Available for Sensitising effects of genetically modified enzymes used in flavour, fragrance, detergence and pharmaceutical production: cross-sectional study Budnik LT, Scheer E, Burge PS, Baur X, Sensitising effects of genetically modified enzymes used in flavour, fragrance, detergence and pharmaceutical production: cross-sectional study, Occup Environ Med, 2017;74:39-45,10.1136/oemed-2015-103442
Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Sensitising effects of genetically modified enzymes used in flavour, fragrance, detergence and pharmaceutical production: cross-sectional study' Xaver Baur, Institute of occupational medicine, Hamburg, an author of 'Sensitising effects of genetically modified enzymes used in flavour, fragrance, detergence and pharmaceutical production: cross-sectional study'


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