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Skin prick tests with natural rubber latex more sensitive than specific IgE

Skin prick tests with natural rubber latex more sensitive than specific IgE
Follow up of sensitised workers with natural rubber latex allergy showed declining levels of specific IgE when exposure ceased. Higher levels at follow-up were found when there were cross-reacting food allergens and when the initial reaction was systemic.

The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the latex-specific IgE serology was 54% and 87.5%, respectively, in comparison with NAL skin tests. The addition of rHev b 5 to the ImmunoCAP® (enhanced latex) allergosorbent altered the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the ImmunoCAP® to 77% and 75%, respectively.


Full Text Available for Percutaneous reactivity to natural rubber latex proteins persists in health-care workers following avoidance of natural rubber latex Smith AM, Amin HS, Biagini RE, Hamilton RG, Arif SAM, Yeang HY, Bernstein DI, Percutaneous reactivity to natural rubber latex proteins persists in health-care workers following avoidance of natural rubber latex, Clin Exp Allergy, 2007;37:1349-1356,
David Bernstein, Cincinatti, an author of 'Percutaneous reactivity to natural rubber latex proteins persists in health-care workers following avoidance of natural rubber latex'


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