Occupational asthma in a chef cooking yellowfin sole

Occupational asthma in a chef cooking yellowfin sole
Antigen released from fish during cooking can cause occupational asthma. A recent case report includes a specific challenge with an immediate reaction; previous reports have included positive skin tests to sole


Abstract Available for Occupational asthma to fish Boulet L-P, Laberge F, Occupational asthma to fish, Occup Environ Med, 2014;71:804,doi:10.1136/oemed-2014-102439

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma caused by fish inhalation Rodríguez J, Reaño M, Vives R, Canto G, Daroca P, Crespo JF, Vila C, Villarreal O, Bensabat Z., Occupational asthma caused by fish inhalation, Allergy, 1997;52:866-869,


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