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Mannitol less sensitive than methacholine in assessing occupational asthma

This study showed that although mannitol results were positive in the minority of subjects (30%), those with a positive mannitol BPT result had more active disease in terms of greater airflow limitation and more eosinophilic inflammation and higher exhaled nitric oxide levels compared with values seen in subjects with a negative mannitol BPT result.


Full Text Available for Comparison of methacholine and mannitol bronchial provocation tests in workers with occupational asthma Lemiere C, Miedinger D, Jacob V, Chaboillez S, Tremblay C, Brannan JD, Comparison of methacholine and mannitol bronchial provocation tests in workers with occupational asthma, J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2012;129:555-556,
Catherine Lemière, Hôpital de Sacré Coeur, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, an author of 'Comparison of methacholine and mannitol bronchial provocation tests in workers with occupational asthma' David Miedinger, Lucern, Basel and Montreal, an author of 'Comparison of methacholine and mannitol bronchial provocation tests in workers with occupational asthma'


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