About the British Occupational Health Research Foundation (BOHRF)

The British Occupational Health Research Foundation (BOHRF)is a non-profit, grant awarding charity established in 1991 to contribute to the best possible physical and mental well-being of workers.

Their Mission:

Bringing employers and researchers together to produce robust science and evidence-based work of practical value whose application will contribute to the right of people at work to be 'healthy, motivated and at work'.

BOHRF raises and deploys funds for:

  • occupational health research of practical value
  • practical guidelines based on evidence

to reduce the enormous cost to employers and workers of work-related illnesses in the UK.

In 2001, BOHRF established close links with the Faculty of Occupational Medicine whilst remaining an independent charity. The Faculty has established a Research Committee to identify scientifically robust research proposals, which attempt to answer questions that will assist the development of evidence-based occupational health practice. This Committee advises and influences decision-making bodies, grant awarding bodies (including BOHRF), private industry and the public sector on research needs and priorities.

Their policy and strategy are determined by their Trustees, who are also responsible for reviewing their risk management controls.

This project was underwritten by BOHRF thanks to corporate sponsor donations. Subsequently, generous project funding was received from almost all sectors having workers exposed to causes of occupational asthma at work.

Brian Kazer
Chief Executive

Trustees: JCA Pitt (Chairman), The Rt. Hon Lord Hunt of Wirral MBE, W Callaghan, Dr NF Davies, J Douglas Dr NLG McElearney, Dr DJ Murray-Bruce, H Robertson, Dr AJ Scott, Surgeon Commodore JJW Sykes Registered address: 6, St. Andrew's Place, Regent's Park, London NW1 4LB Registered Charity No: 1077273


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