Record Saved Successfully

Record Saved Successfully
When a record is saved successfully the Oasys Server will sometimes return a message with some information / warnings that you may wish to do something about. The messages that can be returned are explained below.

 Cannot save the patient details file, unable to save record: ...

This message is returned when the Oasys client cannot save the patient details file. There will be a following error message with some more information as to why it could not be saved. The record will have been saved on the internet in this case but any changes to the patients personal details will not have been saved. You can click on "Edit - Options" and then on the "Internet" tab to tell Oasys where the patient details file is stored. We have seen the following problems cause this error
  • The patient details file is on a network drive that is no longer available
  • The patient details file is on a usb stick that is not plugged in
  • The patient details file is in a location that the current user does not have permission to use.

The following errors can be returned in exceptional conditions. Your record has still been largely saved but some data may be missing. You can try saving the file again in case the data is getting corrupted while being transferred over the internet. If one of these always happens then there is a problem with Oasys, please contact us using the "Contact" link at the bottom of the screen or post a message on the forums.

Cannot convert Pef reading (...) for blow ...
(and similar messages for FEV1, FEV3 etc)

Invalid work exposure found in file for work period starting at ... Work Exposure reset to ...

Invalid XML ...

If these errors do occur we will update this page as people contact us and we discover more about what can happen, why it happens and what we can do about it.


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