recommendations for rest periods or rotations for plain workers penicillin

no rotation or rest time in pharmaceutical industry workers, who handle penicillin to decrease awareness?
There is evidence that major breaks or rotations decrease sensitization?
Occupational Asthma, Health Professional, 9/30/2009, 10/4/2009,

I am not quite sure what is being asked. Once sensitisation (for instance to penicillin in a pharmaceutical worker) has occurred, levels of IgE to penicillin are likely to decrease with removal from exposure, the half life of specific IgE in other situations in which it has been measured is 6-9 months. Sensitisation is however permanent and at least one antibiotic sensitised pharmaceutical worker has died of acute asthma induced by bystander exposure after a long period without exposure. I think it is unlike that job rotation is a way to control occupational asthma in antibiotic manufacturers, it will increase the numbers exposed and diverts attention from the main issue of reducing levels of exposure.

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