Questionnaires for lung function change due to occupational exposure

We are now looking for good respiratory occupational questionnaire. We found the name MRCQ on respiratory symptoms, but did not find the questionnaire itself. Another questionnaire is the OSHA Q and the NIOSH Q. What do you recommend? The study is about the change in PFT due to flour exposure.

Thanks for your kind advice

Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 8/25/2009, 8/25/2009,

the main one we use is the one on our website which you can find through the link below.

most questionnaires used in the workplace are too long and much of the information is not used. You need to decide what you want to find out. In general the following areas need covering:

1 details of the worker and his job
2 estimate of exposure to flour both now and in the past
3 respiratory symptoms and particularly whether they improve on days away from work
4 the MRC breathless score
5 confounding factors particularly smoking
6 perhaps the presence of respiratory treatments (none or some)
Detailed Respiratory survey

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