
Newill CA, Evans R, KhouryMJ, Pre-employment screening for allergy to laboratory animals: epidemiologic evaluation of its potential usefulness, J Occup Med, 1986;28:1158-1164,

BOHRF Original Authors' Main Conclusions

The original authors' main conclusions are taken from Abstract, Results and Discussion. They are decided upon by the authors of the BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines and form part of the guidelines.

Results indicate that the use of the pre-employment screening criteria as determinants for hiring persons to work with laboratory animals is unwarranted especially in view of two observations: (1) the dearth of reliable estimates of the strength of association between the screening criteria and laboratory animal allergy; and (2) the absence of a carefully formulated consensus approach to the problem of allergy to laboratory animals. The authors conclude that the implementation of any occupational screening program should be preceded by careful evaluation of its risks and benefits by all groups involved, that any potential medical benefits of screening should outweigh its disadvantages or hazards, and that a clearly developed policy on the use of results of the screening programme should be established. Pre-employment screening should be viewed as only one of several possible approaches to the problem of prevention of occupational disease.

BOHRF Associated Evidence Statements

The BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines state that this reference is associated with the following evidence statements

* 3 The positive predictive values of screening criteria are too poorly discriminating for screening out potentially susceptible individuals, particularly in the case of atopy where the trait is highly prevalent.

Non Bohrf Information

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