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Abstract Available for Work-related asthma from cleaning agents versus other agents. Li RWH, Lipszyc JC, Prasad S, Tarlo SM., Work-related asthma from cleaning agents versus other agents., Occup Med, 2018;68:587-592,10.1093/occmed/kqy137
Susan Tarlo, Toronto, an author of 'Work-related asthma from cleaning agents versus other agents.'

Full Text Available for A cross sectional study of the respiratory health of workers handling printing toner dust Nakadate T, Yamano Y, Adachi C, Kikuchi Y, Nishiwaki Y, Nohara M, Satoh T, Omae K, A cross sectional study of the respiratory health of workers handling printing toner dust, Occup Environ Med, 2006;63:244-249,10.1136/oem.2005.020644]

Abstract Available for A 4-Year Follow-up Cohort Study of the Respiratory Functions in Toner-handling Workers Yanagi N, Kitamura H, Mizuno M, Hata K, Uchiyama T, Kuga H, Matsushita T, Kurosaki S, Uehara M, Ogami A, Higashi T, A 4-Year Follow-up Cohort Study of the Respiratory Functions in Toner-handling Workers, Safety and Health at work, 2014;5:222-226,

Full Text Available for Assessing the chronic respiratory health risk associated with inhalation exposure to powdered toner for printing in actual working conditions: a cohort study on occupationally exposed workers over 10 years Nakadate T, Yamano Y, Yamauchi T, Okubo S, Nagashima D, Assessing the chronic respiratory health risk associated with inhalation exposure to powdered toner for printing in actual working conditions: a cohort study on occupationally exposed workers over 10 years , BMJ Open, 2018;8:e022049,

Abstract Available for Identification of Diagnostic Criteria for Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. An International Modified Delphi Survey Morisset J, Johannson KA, Jones KD, Wolters PJ, Collard HR, Walsh SLF, Ley B, Identification of Diagnostic Criteria for Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. An International Modified Delphi Survey, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2018;197:1036-1044,

Full Text Available for Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in fish processing workers diagnosed by inhalation challenge. Tjalvin G, Svanes Ø, Bertelsen RJ, Hollund BE, Aasen TB, Svanes C, Kirkeleit J., Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in fish processing workers diagnosed by inhalation challenge., ERJ Open Res, 2018;4:4,DOI: 10.1183/23120541.00071-2018
Tor Aasen, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, an author of 'Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in fish processing workers diagnosed by inhalation challenge.' Cecile Svanes, University of Bergen, Norway, an author of 'Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in fish processing workers diagnosed by inhalation challenge.' Jorunn Kirkeleit, University of Bergen, Norway, an author of 'Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in fish processing workers diagnosed by inhalation challenge.'

Abstract Available for Do exposures to aerosols pose a risk to dental professionals? Kobza J, Pastuszka JS, Bragoszewska E, Do exposures to aerosols pose a risk to dental professionals? , Occup Med, 2018;68:454-458,

Abstract Available for Cannabis allergy: A diagnostic challenge Decuyper II, Faber MA, Lapeere H, Mertens C, Rihs HP, Van Gasse AL, Hagendorens MM, SabatoV, Bridts CH, De Clerck L, Ebo DG, Cannabis allergy: A diagnostic challenge, Allergy, 2018;73:19114-1914,

Abstract Available for Cleaning agent occupational asthma in the West Midlands, UK: 2000-16. Walters GI, Burge PS, Moore VC, Robertson AS, Cleaning agent occupational asthma in the West Midlands, UK: 2000-16., Occup Med, 2018;68:530-536,10.1093/occmed/kqy113
Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Cleaning agent occupational asthma in the West Midlands, UK: 2000-16.' Vicky Moore, Oasys, an author of 'Cleaning agent occupational asthma in the West Midlands, UK: 2000-16.' Alastair Robertson, Selly Oak Hospital, an author of 'Cleaning agent occupational asthma in the West Midlands, UK: 2000-16.' Gareth Walters, Heartlands, an author of 'Cleaning agent occupational asthma in the West Midlands, UK: 2000-16.'

Full Text Available for Development and validation of a radiological diagnosis model for hypersensitivity pneumonitis Salisbury ML, Gross BH, Chughtai A, Sayyouh M, Kazerooni EA, Bartholmai BJ, Xia M, Murray S, Myers JL, Lagstein A, Konopka KE, Belloli EA, Sheth JS, White ES, Holtze C, Martinez FJ, Flaherty KR, Development and validation of a radiological diagnosis model for hypersensitivity pneumonitis, Eur Respir J, 2018;52:1800443,10.1183/13993003.00443-2018

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma from epoxy compounds. Suojalehto H, Sastre J, Merimaa E, Lindström I, Suuronen K. , Occupational asthma from epoxy compounds., J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract, 2019;7:191-198,10.1016/j.jaip.2018.07.023
Joaquin Sastre, Fundacion Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, an author of 'Occupational asthma from epoxy compounds.' Hille Suojalehto, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupational asthma from epoxy compounds.' Irmeli Lindstrom, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupational asthma from epoxy compounds.'

Abstract Available for Burden of respiratory abnormalities in microwave popcorn and flavouring manufacturing workers. Fechter-Leggett ED, White SK, Fedan KB, Cox-Ganser JM, Cummings KJ., Burden of respiratory abnormalities in microwave popcorn and flavouring manufacturing workers., Occup Environ Med, 2018;75:709-715,10.1136/oemed-2018-105150

Abstract Available for Asthmatic reactions after nasal allergen provocation. Baur X, Asthmatic reactions after nasal allergen provocation., Respiration, 1996;63:84-87,
Xaver Baur, Institute of occupational medicine, Hamburg, an author of 'Asthmatic reactions after nasal allergen provocation.'

Full Text Available for Evaluation of bronchodilator response in patients with airway obstruction QUADRELLI SA, RONCORONI AJ, MONTIEL GC, Evaluation of bronchodilator response in patients with airway obstruction , Respir Med, 1999;93:930-936,

Abstract Available for Acute Bronchodilator Response Has Limited Value in Differentiating Bronchial Asthma from COPD Chhabra SK, Acute Bronchodilator Response Has Limited Value in Differentiating Bronchial Asthma from COPD, J Asthma, 2009;42:367-372,

No Abstract Available for Differences in sensitivity, maximal response and position of the concentration-response curve to methacholine between asthmatics, patients with allergic rhinitis and healthy subjects Prieto L, Gutierrez V, Morales C, Marin J, Differences in sensitivity, maximal response and position of the concentration-response curve to methacholine between asthmatics, patients with allergic rhinitis and healthy subjects , Respir Med, 1998;92:88-94,

Abstract Available for ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: general considerations and performance of methacholine challenge tests Coates AL, Wanger J, Cockcroft DW, Culver BH, Carlsen KH, Diamant Z, Gauvreau G, Hall GL, Hallstrand TS, Horvath I, de Jongh FHC, Joos G, Kaminsky DA, Laube BL, Leuppi JD, Sterk PJ, ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: general considerations and performance of methacholine challenge tests, Eur Respir J, 2017;49:1601529,
J Leuppi, Basel, an author of 'ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: general considerations and performance of methacholine challenge tests' Don Cockcroft, Saskatoon, an author of 'ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: general considerations and performance of methacholine challenge tests'

Abstract Available for The response to exercise in normal and asthmatic children Kattan M, Keens TG, Mellis CM, Levison H., The response to exercise in normal and asthmatic children, J Paediatr, 1978;92:718-721,

Abstract Available for Exercise testing revisited: the response to exercise in normal and atopic children Custovic A, Arifhodzic N, Robinson A, Woodcock A. , Exercise testing revisited: the response to exercise in normal and atopic children, Chest, 1994;105:1127-1132,

Abstract Available for Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma Bernstein DI, Lummus ZL, Kesavalu B, Yao J, Kottyan L, Miller D, Cartier A, Cruz MJ, Lemiere C, Muñoz X, Quirce S, Tarlo S, Sastre J, Boulet LP, Weirauch MT, Kaufman K, Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma, J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2018;:,DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.06.022
André Cartier, Hôpital de Sacré Coeur, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, an author of 'Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma' Joaquin Sastre, Fundacion Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, an author of 'Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma' David Bernstein, Cincinatti, an author of 'Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma' Maria Jesus Cruz, Barcelona, an author of 'Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma' Catherine Lemière, Hôpital de Sacré Coeur, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, an author of 'Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma' Zana Lummus, Cincinatti, an author of 'Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma' Xavier Munoz, Barcelona, an author of 'Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma' Santiago Quirce, Madrid, an author of 'Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma' Susan Tarlo, Toronto, an author of 'Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma'

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