Isabel is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Lytras T, Beckmeyer-Borowko A, Kogevinas M, Kromhout H, Carsin A, Antó JM, Bentouhami H, Weyler J, Heinrich J, Nowak D, Urrutia I, Martínez-Moratalla J, Gullón JA, Vega AP, Semjen CR, Pin I, Demoly P, Leynaert B, Villani S, Gislason T, Svanes Ø, Holm M, Forsberg B, Norbäck D, Mehta AJ, Keidel D, Vernez D, Benke G, Jõgi R, Torén K, Sigsgaard T, Schlünssen V, Olivieri M, Blanc PD, Watkins J, Bono R, Squillacioti G, Buist AS, Vermeulen R, Jarvis D, Probst-Hensch N, Zock J,
Cumulative Occupational Exposures and Lung Function Decline in Two Large General Population Cohorts,
Ann Am Thorac Soc,
Lytras T, Kogevinas M, Kromhout H, Carsin A, Antó JM, Bentouhami H, Weyler J, Heinrich J, Nowak D, Urrutia I, Martinez-Moratalla J, Gullón JA, Pereira-Vega A, Raherison-Semjen C, Pin I, Demoly P, Leynaert B, Villani S, Gislason T, Svanes C, Holm M, Forsberg B, Norbäck D, Mehta AJ, Probst-Hensch N, Benke G, Jogi R, Torén K, Sigsgaard T, Schlünssen V, Olivieri M, Blanc PD, Vermeulen R, Garcia-Aymerich J, Jarvis D, Zock J,
Occupational exposures and 20-year incidence of COPD: the European Community Respiratory Health Survey,
Svanes Ø, Bertelsen RJ, Lygre SH, Carsin AE, Antó J, Forsberg B, García-García JM, Gullón JA, Heinrich J, Holm M, Kogevinas M, Urrutia I, Leynaert B, Moratalla JM, Le Moual N, Lytras T, Norbäck D, Nowak D11, Olivieri M, Pin I, Probst-Hensch N, Schlünssen V, Sigsgaard T, Skorge TD, Villani S, Jarvis D, Zock JP, Svanes C.,
Cleaning at Home and at Work in Relation to Lung Function Decline and Airway Obstruction.,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
Le Moual N, Carsin A, Siroux V, Radon K, Norback D, Toren K, Olivieri M, Urrutia I, Cazzoletti L, Jacquemin B, Benke G, Kromhout H, Mirabelli M, Mehta A, Schlünssen V, Sigsgaard T, Blanc PD, Kogevinas M, Anto J, Zock J,
Occupational exposures and uncontrolled adult-onset asthma in the ECRHS II,
Eur Respir J,
2013;42:on line,
Henneberger PK, Mirabelli MC, Kogevinas M, Antó JM, Plana E, Dahlman-Höglund A, Jarvis DL, Kromhout H, Lillienberg L, Norbäck D, Olivieri M, Radon K, Torén K, Urrutia I, Villani S, Zock JP,
The occupational contribution to severe exacerbation of asthma,
Eur Respir J,
Kogevinas M, Zock JP, Jarvis D, Kromhout H, Lillienberg L, Plana E, Radon K, Toren K, Alliksoo A, Benke G, Blanc PD, Dahlman-Hoglund A, D'Errico A, Hery M, Kennedy S, Kunzli N, Leynaert B, Mirabelli MC, Muniozguren N, Norback D, Olivieri M, Payo F, Villani S, van Sprundel M, Urrutia I, Wieslander G, Sunyer J, Anto JM,
Exposure to substances in the workplace and new-onset asthma: an international prospective population-based study (ECRHS-II),
Gamboa PM, Urbaneja F, Olaizola I, Boyra JA, Gonzalez G, Antepara I, Urrutia I, Jauregui I, Sanz ML,
Specific IgG to Thermoactynomices vulgaris, Micropolyspora faeni and Aspergillus fumigatus in building workers exposed to esparto grass (plasterers) and in patients with esparto-induced hypersensitivity pneumonitis.,
J Inv Allergod Clin Immunol,
Gamboa PM, Barber D, Jauregui I, Urrutia I, Gonzalez G, Antepara I,
Allergic rhinitis to turtle food,