Principal clinician for the Networm internet-based learning project with which we collaborate
Dennis is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Strieker PGS, Weinmann T, Gerlich J, von Mutius E, Nowak D, Radon K, Wengenroth L,
Farm living and allergic rhinitis from childhood to young adulthood: Prospective results of the GABRIEL study,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
2022;150:1209 - 1215.e2,
Preisser AM, Koschel D, Merget R, Nowak D, Raulf M, Heidrich J.,
Workplace-related inhalation test - Specific inhalation challenge: S2k Guideline of the German Society for Occupational and Environmental Medicine e.V. (DGAUM), the German Society for Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine e.V. (DGP) and the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology e.V. (DGAKI).,
Allergol Select.,
2021;5:315-334,doi: 10.5414/ALX02280E
Lytras T, Beckmeyer-Borowko A, Kogevinas M, Kromhout H, Carsin A, Antó JM, Bentouhami H, Weyler J, Heinrich J, Nowak D, Urrutia I, Martínez-Moratalla J, Gullón JA, Vega AP, Semjen CR, Pin I, Demoly P, Leynaert B, Villani S, Gislason T, Svanes Ø, Holm M, Forsberg B, Norbäck D, Mehta AJ, Keidel D, Vernez D, Benke G, Jõgi R, Torén K, Sigsgaard T, Schlünssen V, Olivieri M, Blanc PD, Watkins J, Bono R, Squillacioti G, Buist AS, Vermeulen R, Jarvis D, Probst-Hensch N, Zock J,
Cumulative Occupational Exposures and Lung Function Decline in Two Large General Population Cohorts,
Ann Am Thorac Soc,
Weinmann T, Forster F, von Mutius E, Vogelberg C, Genuneit J, Windstetter D, Nowak D, Radon K, Gerlich J.,
Association Between Occupational Exposure to Disinfectants and Asthma in Young Adults Working in Cleaning or Health Services - Results From A Cross-Sectional Analysis in Germany.,
J Occup Environ Med,
Svanes Ø, Bertelsen RJ, Lygre SH, Carsin AE, Antó J, Forsberg B, García-García JM, Gullón JA, Heinrich J, Holm M, Kogevinas M, Urrutia I, Leynaert B, Moratalla JM, Le Moual N, Lytras T, Norbäck D, Nowak D11, Olivieri M, Pin I, Probst-Hensch N, Schlünssen V, Sigsgaard T, Skorge TD, Villani S, Jarvis D, Zock JP, Svanes C.,
Cleaning at Home and at Work in Relation to Lung Function Decline and Airway Obstruction.,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
Lytras T, Kogevinas M, Kromhout H, Carsin A, Antó JM, Bentouhami H, Weyler J, Heinrich J, Nowak D, Urrutia I, Martinez-Moratalla J, Gullón JA, Pereira-Vega A, Raherison-Semjen C, Pin I, Demoly P, Leynaert B, Villani S, Gislason T, Svanes C, Holm M, Forsberg B, Norbäck D, Mehta AJ, Probst-Hensch N, Benke G, Jogi R, Torén K, Sigsgaard T, Schlünssen V, Olivieri M, Blanc PD, Vermeulen R, Garcia-Aymerich J, Jarvis D, Zock J,
Occupational exposures and 20-year incidence of COPD: the European Community Respiratory Health Survey,
Weinmann T, Gerlich J, Heinrich S, Nowak D, Mutius EV, Vogelberg C, Genuneit J, Lanzinger S, Al-Khadra S, Lohse T, Motoc I, Walter V, Radon K.,
Association of household cleaning agents and disinfectants with asthma in young German adults.,
Occup Environ Med,
Kellberger J, Peters-Weist AS, Heinrich S, Pfeiffer S, Vogelberg C, Roller D, Genuneit J, Weinmayr G, von Mutius E, Heumann C, Nowak D, Radon K,
Predictors of work-related sensitisation, allergic rhinitis and asthma in early work life,
Eur Respir J,
Sigsgaard T, Nowak D, Annesi-Maesano I, Nemery B, Torén K, Viegi G, Radon K, Burge S, Heederik D,
ERS position paper: work-related respiratory diseases in the EU,
Eur Respir J,
Radon K, Gerhardinger U, Schulze A, Zock J-P, Norback D, Toren K, Jarvis D, Held L, Heinrich J, Leynaert B, Nowak D, Kogevinas M,
Occupation and adult onset of rhinitis in the general population,
Occup Environ Med,
Riu E, Dressel H, Windstetter D, Weinmayr G, Weiland S, Vogelberg C, Leupold W, von Mutius E, Nowak D, Radon K,
First months of employment and new onset of rhinitis in adolescents,
Eur Respir J,
Radon K, Huemmer S, Dressel H, Windstetter D, Weinmayr G, Weiland S, Riu E, Vogelberg C, Leupold W, von Mutius E, Goldberg M, Nowak D.,
Do respiratory symptoms predict job choices in teenagers?,
Eur Respir J,
Radon K, Rosenberger A, Ehrenstein V, Hoopmann M, Basting I, Tödt H, Reichert J, Dressel H, Schmid M, Suchenwirth R, Nowak D,
Geographical distribution of acute symptoms after a train collision involving epichlorohydrin exposure,
Environ Res,
Radon K, Windstetter D, Eckart J, Dressel H, Leitritz L, Reichert J, Schmid M, Praml G, Schosser M, von Mutius E, Nowak D.,
Farming exposure in childhood, exposure to markers of infections and the development of atopy in rural subjects,
Clin Exp Allergy,
Monso E, Riu E, Radon K, Magarolas R, Danuser B, Iversen M, Morera J, Nowak D,
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in never-smoking animal farmers working inside confinement buildings,
Am J Industr Med,
Radon K, Garz S, Riess A, Koops F, Monso E, Weber C, Danuser B, Iversen M, Opravil U, Donham K, Hartung J, Pedersen S, Nowak D,
Respiratory diseases in European farmers-II. Part of the European farmers' project,
Monso E, Schenker M, Radon K, Riu E, Magarolas R, McCurdy S, Danuser B, Iversen M, Saiki C, Nowak D,
Region-related risk factors for respiratory symptoms in European and Californian farmers,
Eur Respir J,
Radon K, Monso E, Weber C, Danuser B, Iversen M, Opravil U, Donham K, Hartung J, Pedersen S, Garz S, Blainey D, Rabe U, Nowak D,
Prevalence and risk factors for airway diseases in farmers--summary of results of the European Farmers' Project,
Annals of Agricultural & Environmental Medicine,
Radon K, Danuser B, Iversen M, Monso E, Weber C, Hartung J, Donham K, Palmgren U, Nowak D,
Air contaminants in different European farming environments,
Annals of Agricultural & Environmental Medicine,
Radon K, Danuser B, Iversen M, Jorres R, Monso E, Opravil U, Weber C, Donham KJ, Nowak D,
Respiratory symptoms in European animal farmers,
Eur Respir J,
Monso E, Magarolas R, Radon K, Danuser B, Iversen M, Weber C, Opravil U, Donham KJ, Nowak D,
Respiratory symptoms of obstructive lung disease in European crop farmers,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med,