Andrew Curran (HSL, Sheffield, UK)

Andrew Curran is the facilitator of the audit of occupational asthma services in the GORDS project.

He collaborates with the linkage of cytokine measurements in blood with Oasys records.

Andrew is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.

Full Text Available for Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update Fishwick D, Barber CM, Bradshaw LM, Ayres JG, Barraclough R, Burge S, Corne JM, Cullinan P, Frank TL, Hendrick D, Hoyle J, Curran AD, Niven R, Pickering T, Reid P, Robertson A, Stenton C, Warburton CJ, Nicholson PJ, Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update , Thorax, 2012;67:278-280,
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Tony Pickering, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, UK, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Chris Stenton, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Alastair Robertson, Selly Oak Hospital, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Lisa Bradshaw, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Jon Ayres, University of Birmingham, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Paul Nicholson, Procter And Gamble Occupational Health, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Chris Warburton, Liverpool, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Jennifer Hoyle, North Manchester General Hospital, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' David Hendrick, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Rob Niven, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Peter Reid, Edinburgh Western General Hospital, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update' Richard Barraclough, Manchester, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update'

Abstract Available for Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries Fishwick D, Harris-Roberts J, Robinson E, Evans G, Barraclough R, Sen D, Curran AD, Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries, Occup Med, 2011;61:321-327,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' Ed Robinson, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' Dil Sen, Health and Safety Executive, UK, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' Gareth Evans, HSL, Buxton, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' Richard Barraclough, Manchester, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries'

Abstract Available for Agreement in diagnosing occupational asthma by occupational and respiratory physicians who report to surveillance schemes for work-related ill-health Turner S, McNamee R, Roberts C, Bradshaw L, Curran A, Francis M, Fishwick D, Agius R, Agreement in diagnosing occupational asthma by occupational and respiratory physicians who report to surveillance schemes for work-related ill-health, Occup Environ Med, 2010;67:471-478,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Agreement in diagnosing occupational asthma by occupational and respiratory physicians who report to surveillance schemes for work-related ill-health' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Agreement in diagnosing occupational asthma by occupational and respiratory physicians who report to surveillance schemes for work-related ill-health' Lisa Bradshaw, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Agreement in diagnosing occupational asthma by occupational and respiratory physicians who report to surveillance schemes for work-related ill-health' Raymond Agius, Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health, Manchester University, an author of 'Agreement in diagnosing occupational asthma by occupational and respiratory physicians who report to surveillance schemes for work-related ill-health' Roseanne McNamee, Manchester University COEH, an author of 'Agreement in diagnosing occupational asthma by occupational and respiratory physicians who report to surveillance schemes for work-related ill-health' Mandy Francis, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Agreement in diagnosing occupational asthma by occupational and respiratory physicians who report to surveillance schemes for work-related ill-health' Susan Turner, Centre for Occupational and Environmental Medicine Manchester, an author of 'Agreement in diagnosing occupational asthma by occupational and respiratory physicians who report to surveillance schemes for work-related ill-health'

Abstract Available for Management of occupational health risks in small-animal veterinary practices D'Souza E, Barraclough R, Fishwick D, Curran A, Management of occupational health risks in small-animal veterinary practices, Occup Med (Oxford), 2009;59:316-322,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Management of occupational health risks in small-animal veterinary practices' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Management of occupational health risks in small-animal veterinary practices' Richard Barraclough, Manchester, an author of 'Management of occupational health risks in small-animal veterinary practices'

Abstract Available for Facilities for investigating occupational asthma in UK non-specialist respiratory departments Barber CM, Naylor S, Bradshaw L, Francis M, Harris-Roberts J, Rawbone R, Curran A, Fishwick D, Facilities for investigating occupational asthma in UK non-specialist respiratory departments, Occup Med, 2008;58:71-73,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Facilities for investigating occupational asthma in UK non-specialist respiratory departments' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Facilities for investigating occupational asthma in UK non-specialist respiratory departments' Roger Rawbone, Retired - ex Health and Safety Executive, an author of 'Facilities for investigating occupational asthma in UK non-specialist respiratory departments' Lisa Bradshaw, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Facilities for investigating occupational asthma in UK non-specialist respiratory departments' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'Facilities for investigating occupational asthma in UK non-specialist respiratory departments' Mandy Francis, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Facilities for investigating occupational asthma in UK non-specialist respiratory departments'

Full Text Available for Standards of care for occupational asthma Fishwick D, Barber CM, Bradshaw LM, Harris-Roberts J, Francis M, Naylor S, Ayres J, Burge PS, Corne JM, Cullinan P, Frank TL, Hendrick D, Hoyle J, Jaakkola M, Newman Taylor AJ, Nicholson P, Niven R, Standards of care for occupational asthma, Thorax, 2008;63:240-250,
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Tony Pickering, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, UK, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Joanne Harris-Roberts (nee Elms), HSL, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Chris Stenton, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Roger Rawbone, Retired - ex Health and Safety Executive, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Lisa Bradshaw, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Maritta Jaakkola, Oulu University Finland, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Jon Ayres, University of Birmingham, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Tony Newman Taylor, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Paul Nicholson, Procter And Gamble Occupational Health, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Chris Warburton, Liverpool, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Jennifer Hoyle, North Manchester General Hospital, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' David Hendrick, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Mandy Francis, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma' Rob Niven, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, an author of 'Standards of care for occupational asthma'

Full Text Available for Approaches to the diagnosis and management of occupational asthma amongst UK respiratory physicians Barber CM, Naylor S, Bradshaw LM, Francis M, Harris-Roberts J, Rawbone R, Curran AD, Fishwick D, Approaches to the diagnosis and management of occupational asthma amongst UK respiratory physicians, Respir Med, 2007;101:1903-1908,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Approaches to the diagnosis and management of occupational asthma amongst UK respiratory physicians' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Approaches to the diagnosis and management of occupational asthma amongst UK respiratory physicians' Roger Rawbone, Retired - ex Health and Safety Executive, an author of 'Approaches to the diagnosis and management of occupational asthma amongst UK respiratory physicians' Lisa Bradshaw, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Approaches to the diagnosis and management of occupational asthma amongst UK respiratory physicians' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'Approaches to the diagnosis and management of occupational asthma amongst UK respiratory physicians' Mandy Francis, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Approaches to the diagnosis and management of occupational asthma amongst UK respiratory physicians'

Abstract Available for Work-related asthma symptoms and attitudes to the workplace Bradshaw LM, Barber CM, Davies J, Curran AD, Fishwick D, Work-related asthma symptoms and attitudes to the workplace, Occup Med, 2007;57:30-35,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Work-related asthma symptoms and attitudes to the workplace' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Work-related asthma symptoms and attitudes to the workplace' Lisa Bradshaw, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Work-related asthma symptoms and attitudes to the workplace' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'Work-related asthma symptoms and attitudes to the workplace'

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians Fishwick D, Bradshaw L, Henson M, Stenton C, Hendrick D, Burge PS, Niven R, Warburton C, Rogers T, Rawbone R, Cullinan P, Barber C, Pickering CAC, Williams N, Ayres JA, Curran AD, Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians, Occup Environ Med, 2007;64:185-190,
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' Tony Pickering, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, UK, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' Chris Stenton, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' Roger Rawbone, Retired - ex Health and Safety Executive, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' Lisa Bradshaw, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' Nerys Williams, Department of Work and Pensions, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' Jon Ayres, University of Birmingham, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' David Hendrick, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' Rob Niven, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians' Mandy Henson, HSL, Buxton, an author of 'Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians'

Full Text Available for Are we failing workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma? Fishwick D, Bradshaw L, Davies J, Henson M, Stenton C, Burge PS, Niven R, Warburton C, Hendrick D, Rogers T, Rawbone R, Curran AD, Are we failing workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma?, Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 2007;16:304-310,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Are we failing workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma?' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Are we failing workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma?' Chris Stenton, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, an author of 'Are we failing workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma?' Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Are we failing workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma?' Roger Rawbone, Retired - ex Health and Safety Executive, an author of 'Are we failing workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma?' Lisa Bradshaw, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Are we failing workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma?' Chris Warburton, Liverpool, an author of 'Are we failing workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma?' David Hendrick, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, an author of 'Are we failing workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma?' Rob Niven, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, an author of 'Are we failing workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma?' Mandy Henson, HSL, Buxton, an author of 'Are we failing workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma?'

Full Text Available for Specific IgE to colophony? Elms J, Fishwick D, Robinson E, Burge S, Huggins V, Barber C, Williams N, Curran A, Specific IgE to colophony?, Occup Med, 2005;55:234-237,
Joanne Harris-Roberts (nee Elms), HSL, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' Vicky Moore, Oasys, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' Nerys Williams, Department of Work and Pensions, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' Ed Robinson, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?'

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma evaluation Fishwick D, Bradshaw LM, Tate PA, Curran AD, Occupational asthma evaluation, Thorax, 2003;58:461,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Occupational asthma evaluation' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Occupational asthma evaluation' Lisa Bradshaw, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Occupational asthma evaluation'

Full Text Available for Prevalence of sensitisation to cellulase and xylanase in bakery workers Elms J, Fishwick D, Walker J, Rawbone R, Jeffrey P, Griffin P, Gibson M and Curran AD, Prevalence of sensitisation to cellulase and xylanase in bakery workers, -, 2003;60:802-804,
Joanne Harris-Roberts (nee Elms), HSL, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Prevalence of sensitisation to cellulase and xylanase in bakery workers' Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Prevalence of sensitisation to cellulase and xylanase in bakery workers' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Prevalence of sensitisation to cellulase and xylanase in bakery workers' Roger Rawbone, Retired - ex Health and Safety Executive, an author of 'Prevalence of sensitisation to cellulase and xylanase in bakery workers'

Abstract Available for Colophony: an in vitro model for the induction of sensitisation Elms J, Allan LJ, Pengelly I, Fishwick D, Beckett PN, Curran AD, Colophony: an in vitro model for the induction of sensitisation, Clin Exp Allergy, 2000;30:209-213,
Joanne Harris-Roberts (nee Elms), HSL, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Colophony: an in vitro model for the induction of sensitisation' Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Colophony: an in vitro model for the induction of sensitisation' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Colophony: an in vitro model for the induction of sensitisation'

Full Text Available for Small bakeries - A cross-sectional study of respiratory symptoms, sensitization and dust exposure Jeffrey P. Griffin P. Gibson M. Curran AD, Small bakeries - A cross-sectional study of respiratory symptoms, sensitization and dust exposure, Occup Med (Oxford), 1999;49:237-241,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Small bakeries - A cross-sectional study of respiratory symptoms, sensitization and dust exposure'

Abstract Available for Respiratory symptoms among glass bottle workers--cough and airways irritancy syndrome? Gordon SB, Curran AD, Fishwick D, Morice AH, Howard P, Respiratory symptoms among glass bottle workers--cough and airways irritancy syndrome?, Occup Med, 1998;48:455-459,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Respiratory symptoms among glass bottle workers--cough and airways irritancy syndrome?' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Respiratory symptoms among glass bottle workers--cough and airways irritancy syndrome?'

Abstract Available for Screening Questionnaires For Bakers' Asthma - Are They Worth The Effort? Gordon SB, Curran AD, Murphy J, Sillitoe C, Lee G, Wiley K, Morice, AH, Screening Questionnaires For Bakers' Asthma - Are They Worth The Effort?, Occup Med (London), 1997;47:361-366,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Screening Questionnaires For Bakers' Asthma - Are They Worth The Effort?'

Abstract Available for Clinical and immunological evaluation of workers exposed to glutaraldehyde Curran AD, Burge PS, Wiley K, Clinical and immunological evaluation of workers exposed to glutaraldehyde, Allergy, 1996;51:826-832,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Clinical and immunological evaluation of workers exposed to glutaraldehyde' Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Clinical and immunological evaluation of workers exposed to glutaraldehyde'

Andrew Curran (2006)

Andrew Curran (2007)

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