Excluded References
The methods section describes the process used to choose the papers which were used to create these guidelines. Some of the references that were excluded from the review are listed below. Click on the references to view details, including the reason for exclusion.
Agalliu I, Eisen EA, Hauser R, Redlich CA, Stowe MH, Cullen MR, Wegman DH, Christiani DC, Kennedy SM,
Truncating the dose range for methacholine challenge tests: three occupational studies,
J Occup Environ Med,
Barker RD, vanTongeren MJ, Harris JM, Gardiner K, Venables KM, Newman Taylor AJ ,,
Risk factors for bronchial hyperresponsiveness in workers exposed to acid anhydrides,
Eur Respir J,
Bataille A, Anton M, Mollat F, Bobe M, Bonneau C, Caramaniam MN, Geraut C, Dupas D,
Respiratory allergies among symptomatic bakers and pastry cooks: initial results of a prevalence study,
Allerg Immunol (Paris),
Bernstein DI,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
Cartier A, Bernstein IL, Burge PS, Cohn JR, Fabbri LM, Hargreave FE, Malo JL, McKay RT, Salvaggio JE,
Guidelines for bronchoprovocation on the investigation of occupational asthma. Report of the Subcommittee on Bronchoprovocation for Occupational Asthma,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
Fabbri LM, Danieli D, Crescioli S, Bevilacqua P, Meli S, Saetta M, Mapp CE,
Am Rev Respir Dis,
Fuortes LJ, Weih L, Pomrehn P, Thorne PS, Jones M, Burmeister L, Merchant JA,
Prospective epidemiologic evaluation of laboratory animal allergy among university employees,
Am J Ind Med,
Gautrin D, Boulet LP, Boutet M, Dugas M, Bherer L, L'Archeveque J, Laviolette M, Cote J, Malo JL,
Is reactive airways dysfunction syndrome a variant of occupational asthma?,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
LaraquiHossini CH, LaraquiHossini O, Rahhali AE, Verger C, Tripodi D, Caubet A, Curtes JP, AlaouiYazidi A,
Respiratory risk in carpenters and cabinet makers,
Rev Mal Respir,
Lemiere C, Chaboilliez S, Trudeau C, Taha R, Maghni K, Martin JG, Hamid Q,
Characterization of airway inflammation after repeated exposures to occupational agents,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
Malo JL, Boulet LP, Dewitte JD, Cartier A, L'Archeveque J, Cote J, Bedard G, Boucher S, Champagne F, Tessier G etal,
Quality of life of subjects with occupational asthma,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
Malo JL, Cartier A, Cote J, Milot J, Leblanc C, Paquette L, Ghezzo H, Boulet LP,
Influence of inhaled steroids on recovery from occupational asthma after cessation of exposure: An 18-month double-blind crossover study,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
Moscato G, Dellabianca A, Maestrelli P, Paggiaro P, Romano C, De Zotti R, Marabini A, Voltolini S, Crippa M, Previdi M, Bramé B, Benzon R, Siracusa A,
Features and severity of occupational asthma upon diagnosis: an Italian multicentric case review,
Panhuysen CI, Vonk JM, Koeter GH, Schouten JP, van Altena R, Bleecker ER, Postma DS,
Adult patients may outgrow their asthma: a 25-year follow-up study,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
Park HS, Nahm DH, Suh CH, Kwon OY, Kim KS, Lee SW, Chung HK,
Occupational asthma and IgE sensitization to grain dust,
J Korean Med Sci,
Saetta M, Maestrelli P, Di Stefano A, De Marzo N, Milani GF, Pivirotto F, Mapp CE, Fabbri LM,
Effect of cessation of exposure to toluene diisocyanate (TDI) on bronchial mucosa of subjects with TDI-induced asthma,
Am Rev Respir Dis,
Saetta M, Maestrelli P, Turato G, Mapp CE, Milani G, Pivirotto F, Fabbri LM, DiStefano A,
Airway wall remodeling after cessation of exposure to isocyanates in sensitized asthmatic subjects,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
Zock JP, Kogevinas M, Sunyer J, Jarvis D, Toren K, Anto JM,
Asthma characteristics in cleaning workers, workers in other risk jobs and office workers,
Eur Respir J,
Zuskin E, Mustajbegovic J, Schachter EN, Kanceljak B, Kern J, Macan J, Ebling Z,
Respiratory function and immunological status in paper-recycling workers,
J Occup Environ Med,