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Henrik Nordman (Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health)

Member of the ERS Occupational Asthma guidelines group

Henrik is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.

Abstract Available for Asthma related to workplace dampness and impaired work ability Karvala K, Nordman H, Luukkonen R, Uitti J, Asthma related to workplace dampness and impaired work ability, Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2014;87:1-11,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00420-012-0830-0
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Asthma related to workplace dampness and impaired work ability'

Abstract Available for Prolonged exposure to damp and moldy workplaces and new-onset asthma Karvala K, Toskala E, Luukkonen R, Uitti J, Lappalainen S, Nordman H, Prolonged exposure to damp and moldy workplaces and new-onset asthma, Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2011;84:713,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00420-011-0677-9
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Prolonged exposure to damp and moldy workplaces and new-onset asthma'

Abstract Available for Cobalt asthma — a case series from a cobalt plant Sauni R, Linna A, Oksa P, Nordman H, Tuppurainen M, Uitti J, Cobalt asthma — a case series from a cobalt plant, Occup Med, 2010;60:301-306,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Cobalt asthma — a case series from a cobalt plant'

Abstract Available for New-onset adult asthma in relation to damp and moldy workplaces Karvala K, Toskala E, Luukkonen R, Lappalainen S, Uitti J, Nordman H, New-onset adult asthma in relation to damp and moldy workplaces, Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2010;83:855-865,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00420-010-0507-5
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'New-onset adult asthma in relation to damp and moldy workplaces'

Full Text Available for Inflammation and functional outcome in diisocyanate-induced asthma after cessation of exposure Piirilä PL, Meuronen A, Majuri M-L, Luukkonen R, Mäntylä T, Wolff HJ, Nordman H, Alenius H, Laitinen A, Inflammation and functional outcome in diisocyanate-induced asthma after cessation of exposure, Allergy, 2008;63:583-591,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Inflammation and functional outcome in diisocyanate-induced asthma after cessation of exposure'

Abstract Available for Occupational rhinitis in damp and moldy workplaces Karvala K, Nordman H, Luukkonen R, Nykyri E, Lappalainen S, Hannu T, Toskala E, Occupational rhinitis in damp and moldy workplaces, Am J Rhinol, 2008;22:457-462,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupational rhinitis in damp and moldy workplaces' Timo Hannu, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupational rhinitis in damp and moldy workplaces'

Full Text Available for Occupational asthma caused by stainless steel welding fumes: a clinical study Hannu T, Piipari R, Tuppurainen M, Nordman H, Tuomi T, Occupational asthma caused by stainless steel welding fumes: a clinical study , Eur Respir J, 2007;29:85-90,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupational asthma caused by stainless steel welding fumes: a clinical study' Timo Hannu, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupational asthma caused by stainless steel welding fumes: a clinical study'

Abstract Available for Incidence Of Occupational Asthma By Occupation and Industry In Finland Karjalainen A, Kurppa K, Virtanen S, Keskinen H, Nordman H, Incidence Of Occupational Asthma By Occupation and Industry In Finland, Am J Ind Med, 2000;37:451-458,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Incidence Of Occupational Asthma By Occupation and Industry In Finland'

Abstract Available for Long-term follow-up of hexamethylene di-isocyanate-diphenylmethane di-isocyanate-, and toluene di-isocyanate-induced asthma Piirila PL, Nordman H, Keskinen HM et al, Long-term follow-up of hexamethylene di-isocyanate-diphenylmethane di-isocyanate-, and toluene di-isocyanate-induced asthma, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2000;162:516-522,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Long-term follow-up of hexamethylene di-isocyanate-diphenylmethane di-isocyanate-, and toluene di-isocyanate-induced asthma'

Abstract Available for Chlorendic anhydride allergy Keskinen H, Pfäffli P, Pelttari M, Tupasela O, Tuomi T, Tuppurainen M, Hämeilä M, Kanerva L, Nordman H, Chlorendic anhydride allergy, Allergy, 2000;55:98-99,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Chlorendic anhydride allergy'

No Abstract Available for Incidence of occupational asthma: A comparison by reporting systems Nordman H, Karjalainen A, Keskinen H, Incidence of occupational asthma: A comparison by reporting systems, Am J Industr Med, 1999;Suppl 1:130-133,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Incidence of occupational asthma: A comparison by reporting systems'

Abstract Available for Occupational respiratory hypersensitivity caused by preparations containing acrylates in dental personnel Piirila P, Kanerva L, Keskinen H, Estlander T, Hytonen M, Tuppurainen M, Nordman H, Occupational respiratory hypersensitivity caused by preparations containing acrylates in dental personnel, Clin Exp Allergy, 1998;28:1404-1411,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupational respiratory hypersensitivity caused by preparations containing acrylates in dental personnel'

Abstract Available for Diethanolamine-induced occupational asthma, a case report Piipari R, Tuppurainen M, Tuomi T, Mantyla L, HenriksEckerman ML, Keskinen H, Nordman H, Diethanolamine-induced occupational asthma, a case report, Clin Exp Allergy, 1998;28:358-362,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Diethanolamine-induced occupational asthma, a case report'

Abstract Available for Occurrence of asthma and chronic bronchitis among female hairdressers. A questionnaire study Leino T, Tammilehto L, Paakkulainen H, Orjala H, Nordman H, Occurrence of asthma and chronic bronchitis among female hairdressers. A questionnaire study, J Occup Environ Med, 1997;39:534-539,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occurrence of asthma and chronic bronchitis among female hairdressers. A questionnaire study'

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma caused by triglycidyl isocyanurate (TGIC) Piirila P, Estlander T, Keskinen H, Jolanki R, Laakkonen A, Pfaffli, P, Tupasela O, Tuppurainen M, Nordman H, Occupational asthma caused by triglycidyl isocyanurate (TGIC), Clin Exp Allergy, 1997;27:510-514,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupational asthma caused by triglycidyl isocyanurate (TGIC)'

Abstract Available for Sensitisation to industrial enzymes in enzyme research and production Vanhanen M, Tuomi T, Nordman H et al, Sensitisation to industrial enzymes in enzyme research and production, Scand J Work Environ Health, 1997;23:385-391,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Sensitisation to industrial enzymes in enzyme research and production'

Full Text Available for Allergic alveolitis following exposure to epoxy polyester powder paint containing low amounts (<1%) of acid anhydrides Piirila P, Keskinen H, Anttila S, Hyvonen M, Pfaffli P, Tuomi T, Tupasela O, Tuppurainen M, Nordman H, Allergic alveolitis following exposure to epoxy polyester powder paint containing low amounts (<1%) of acid anhydrides, Eur Respir J, 1997;10:948-951,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Allergic alveolitis following exposure to epoxy polyester powder paint containing low amounts (<1%) of acid anhydrides'

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma: measures of frequency from four countries Meredith SK, Nordman H, Occupational asthma: measures of frequency from four countries, Thorax, 1996;51:435-440,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupational asthma: measures of frequency from four countries'

No Abstract Available for Asthma and rhinitis due to chloramine T-powder in instrument maintenance personnel [Finnish] Keskinen H, Nordqvist E, Tuppurainen M, Sala E, Nordman H, Asthma and rhinitis due to chloramine T-powder in instrument maintenance personnel [Finnish], Duodecim, 1995;111:921-925,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Asthma and rhinitis due to chloramine T-powder in instrument maintenance personnel [Finnish]'

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma - time for prevention. [Review] Nordman H, Occupational asthma - time for prevention. [Review], Scand J Work Environ Health, 1994;20:Spec No:108-15,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupational asthma - time for prevention. [Review]'

No Abstract Available for Experiences of specific IgE in asthma due to diisocyanates Keskinen H, Tupasela O, Tiikkainen U, Nordman H, Experiences of specific IgE in asthma due to diisocyanates, Clin Allergy, 1988;18:597-604,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Experiences of specific IgE in asthma due to diisocyanates'

No Abstract Available for Atopy and pre-employment screening Nordman H, Atopy and pre-employment screening, Eur J Respir Dis Suppl, 1987;154:102-110,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Atopy and pre-employment screening'

No Abstract Available for Lung disease after exposure to polyvinyl chloride dust AnttiPoika M, Nordman H, Nickels J, Keskinen H, Viljanen A, Lung disease after exposure to polyvinyl chloride dust, Thorax, 1986;41:566-567,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Lung disease after exposure to polyvinyl chloride dust'

No Abstract Available for Formaldehyde asthma - rare or overlooked Nordman H, Keskinen H, Tuppurainen M, Formaldehyde asthma - rare or overlooked, J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1985;75:91-99,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Formaldehyde asthma - rare or overlooked'

No Abstract Available for ECG ink as a cause of asthma Keskinen H, Nordman H, Terho EO, ECG ink as a cause of asthma, Allergy, 1981;36:275-276,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'ECG ink as a cause of asthma'

Henrik Nordman (2006)

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