Kim is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Paine NJ, Joseph MF, Bacon SL, Julien CA, Cartier A, Ditto B, Favreau H, Lavoie KL,
Association Between Depression, Lung Function, and Inflammatory Markers in Patients with Asthma and Occupational Asthma,
J Occup Environ Med,
Miedinger D, Lavoie KL, L'Archevˆeque J, Ghezzo H, Zunzunuegui MV, Malo J-L,
Quality-of-Life, Psychological, and Cost Outcomes 2 Years After
Diagnosis of Occupational Asthma,
J Occup Environ Med,
Yacoub M-R, Lavoie K, Lacoste G, Daigle S, L’Archevêque J, Ghezzo H, Lemière C,Malo J-L,
Assessment of impairment/disability due to occupational asthma through a multidimensional approach,
Eur Respir J,