Occupational Asthma Reference

Ndiaye M, Fall C, Ndir M, Mbaye I, Ba O, Cissokho S, Dia M, Kandji M, Seck G, Sow ML, Hane AA, Occupational asthma in a Senegalese car sprayer. Diagnostic and medico-legal problems, Rev Mal Respir, 1999;16:199-203,

Keywords: Senegal, Africa, sprayer, occupational asthma, isocyanate, asthma, car

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The industrial development policy adopted by African countries since their independence has contrasted with the relative rarity of occupational asthma in workers exposed to different situations and substances known to generate occupational asthma. Asthma occurring in a Senegalese car sprayer had persisted for twenty years before the its work-related nature was recognized. This observation demonstrates the need for: 1. Education to make health care personnel, as well as workers and employers, more aware of the clinical aspects of asthma. Educational programs should include diagnostic and preventive measures for respiratory occupational diseases including occupational asthma. 2. A registration system for occupational diseases so the occupational nature of diseases can acquire legal recognition. 3. Cooperative efforts between general practitioners, occupational physicians, physiologists and lung specialists in order to create reference laboratories where tests can be performed to confirm the diagnosis of occupational asthma, a disease which has not yet been included on the list of occupational diseases

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