Occupational Asthma Reference

Reheda MS, The mechanisms of allergic damage to the bronchoalveolar apparatus in poultry plant workers, Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal, 1994;40:76-81,

Keywords: poultry, breeder, alveolitis

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Specific and non-specific mechanisms of defense and damage were studied in 296 poultry breeders, 20 of them were diagnosed the exogenic allergic alveolitis (EAA), the so-called "breeder's lung". The following characters were found: an increase in the blood leucocyte phagocytic activity, non-specific neutrophilic damage values, specific neutrophilic damage and specific lymphocyte damage values, lactate dehydrogenase activity, circulated immune complexes level, immunoglobulins A and M in blood serum in breeders with EAA. Only breeders with service of 1-5 and 11-15 years have shown no changes in non-specific neutrophilic damage values. A decrease in the T-lymphocyte content, theophylline-sensitive and theophylline-stable lymphocyte subpopulations in blood serum of breeders with EAA were observed as well

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