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Occupational Asthma Reference

Beghe B, Padoan M, Moss CT et al, Lack of association of HLA class I genes and TNF alpha-308 polymorphism in toluene di-isocyanate-induced asthma, Allergy, 2004;59:61-64,


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Background: Toluene diisocyanate (TDI)-induced asthma is a common cause of occupational asthma and it affects 5–15% of the exposed population suggesting an underlying genetic susceptibility.

Methods: To investigate the role of genetic factors in the development of TDI-induced asthma, we analyzed the distribution of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I genes and of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a A-308G polymorphism in 142 patients with TDI-induced asthma and in 50 asymptomatic exposed subjects.

Results: Neither the distribution of HLA class I antigens nor the distribution of TNF-a A-308G polymorphism was different between patients with TDI-induced asthma and asymptomatic exposed subjects.

Conclusions: These results suggest that HLA class I antigens and TNF-a A-308G are not associated with susceptibility or resistance to the development of TDI-induced asthma

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