Occupational Asthma Reference

Hunter D, Milton R, Perry KMA, Asthma caused by the complex salts of platinum, Brit J Industr Med, 1945;2:92-98,

Keywords: oa, platinum, as , nc, case report, nocturnal asthma

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A syndrome consisting of running of the nose, sneezing, tightness of the chest, shortness of breath, cyanosis, wheezing and cough is described.
This syndrome occurred in 52 out of 91 men exposed to the dust or spray of the complex salts of platinum. Thirteen men complained of dermatitis.
These syndromes did not arise in men exposed to much higher concentrations of metallic platinum in the atmosphere, or to men exposed to the complex salts of the other precious metals, including palladium. Prevention is by exhaust ventilation.

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