Suggested citations and ackowledgements |
Suggested Citations
Newman Taylor AJ, Nicholson PJ. (Editors). Guidelines for the
prevention, identification & management of occupational asthma:
Evidence review & recommendations. British Occupational Health
Research Foundation. London. 2004.
Newman Taylor AJ, Nicholson PJ, Cullinan P, Boyle C, Burge PS.
Guidelines for the prevention, identification & management of
occupational asthma: Evidence review & recommendations. British
Occupational Health Research Foundation. London. 2004.
Guidelines for the prevention, identification & management of
occupational asthma: Evidence review & recommendations. British
Occupational Health Research Foundation. London. 2004.
Proposed review date: September 2007
Thanks are due to the following, who made major contributions to preparing these guidelines:
- The research working group, representatives of other organisations and the external reviewers (see members)
- Brian Kazer, Chief Executive of the British Occupational Health Research Foundation
- Sharon McDonald of Procter & Gamble who was Meetings Secretary
- Dr Michael Topping and Mr Donald Adey of the Health and Safety Executive for supporting the initiative
- The Health & Safety Executive for providing the support of a Scientific Secretary
- The Scottish Executive and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow for supporting the Scottish launch
- The Royal College of General Practitioners for supporting the English launch
- The financial sponsors, in particular Diageo Scotland, Pfizer, Rank
Hovis McDougall, Rolls Royce, Unilever and the Department of Health/NHS
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