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Ninhdrin as a cause of occupational asthma?
I currently have a patient that I see in clinic who has suspected occupational asthma. Their job involves counting money that has been dusted for fingerprints with ninhydrin (1,2,3-Indantrione hydrate). Peak flow readings are suggestive of occupational asthma, has anyone had a similar case wi ...
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 10/20/2014, 2/8/2018,

Specific bronchial challenge done privately
Where can I get aspecific test done as a second opinion as my GP is unwilling. I want to get an IgG test and Aspilergia (pardon Spelling but it was a foreign gentleman I was talking to), and lung Chlamidia test done on me - and a specific test for allergy to my Silver African Grey Parrot Bobbi ...
Oasys, Specialist, 2/20/2006, 1/16/2018,

Is there an association between Occupational Asthma and photocopiers ?
I am a specialist registrar in Public Health. The question of an association of occupational asthma and expoure to photocopiers came up in a discussion.
Occupational Asthma, Health Professional, 7/5/2016, 9/22/2017,

Is it possible to get emphysema from solder fumes
I am a 57 year old male I worked up until 4 years ago as an Auto Electrician where I had this occupation for 10 years prior to this. During this period I designed and built Electrical Systems for the Security Industry inside specialised vehicles during this time I soldered wiring for 4 to 6 ho ...
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 5/18/2009, 9/8/2017,

This may not be the right forum but I bet there are people reading this who are expert. Regarding health Surveillance for welders and COPD. Any views on what would constitute a concerning fall in spirometric function? I plot FEV 1, FVC and FEV1/FVC serially and see people on a downward trend ...
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 9/13/2012, 9/8/2017,

Lung collapse when spray painting
I was at work painting a car wearing my employer supplied 3m 6000 negitive pressure respirator and my left lung collapsed the pulmonary speaicalist sent back to work after a month and a half my lung has not collapsed agin but after and sometimes during painting i get sever chest pain on my left ...
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 2/20/2006, 9/8/2017,

cadmium exposure
Can you get occupational asthma from exposure to cadmium in pigments?
Occupational Asthma, Health Professional, 1/30/2015, 9/8/2017,

Egg & peanut allergy - predisposition for allergic alveolitis ?
My son is to start work in a centre for birds and animals. Birds include a few parakeets, pigeons, chickens. He has peanut allergy (can go into shock), and egg allergy (vomits violently). He is also allergic to shellfish, house dust and pollen. (Mild asthma -has inhalers). On the whole his a ...
Occupational Asthma, Health Professional, 8/6/2016, 6/14/2017,

Has anyone seen occupational asthma from wood pellets
Eg the pellets that are made from energy crops or sawdust and are burnt to produce heat / energy.
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 8/20/2016, 6/14/2017,

Needing some help with understanding this serial PEFR report
This person had an acute exposure to diesel exhaust fumes and now have persistent respiratory symptoms. All previous investigation inclusive of serial peak flow and methacholine challenge was negative. She is no longer exposed but is on asthma medication and reportedly quite symptomatic. I rep ...
Occupational Asthma, Health Professional, 3/6/2017, 3/8/2017,

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